Lemon Biscuit – Arabeschi
This thick and creamy lemon custard sauce enriches its Italian roots with the addition of Italy’s famous Grisbi® cookies crumbled throughout the invigorating topping and filling, bringing an enjoyable citrus zest to North America’s favourite desserts.
This product contains the following allergens: Peanuts & derivatives, dairy, egg products, wheat and soy products. Please however, be aware that this product is manufactured and packaged in and facility that contains products with peanuts & derivatives, wheat/gluten, egg products, dairy, soy products and tree nuts & derivatives. We strongly recommend that consumers always read the ingredient statement for the most current information.
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Variegates-fillings (Arabeschi),
Variegates - fillings (Arabeschi),
Variegates - fillings (Arabeschi)
Frozen Yogurt, Gelato, Ice Cream, Pastry, Soft Serve
2 buckets x 2.5kg
As desired based on application

This product contains the following allergens: Peanuts & derivatives, dairy, egg products, wheat and soy products. Please however, be aware that this product is manufactured and packaged in and facility that contains products with peanuts & derivatives, wheat/gluten, egg products, dairy, soy products and tree nuts & derivatives. We strongly recommend that consumers always read the ingredient statement for the most current information.
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